'Innova News '

Growing Disc Golf in Africa

Hanging out at the local Cineplex isn’t an option for youngsters in rural Zambia, where the entertainment options include kicking around a soccer ball—and little else. But in May 2016, a group of American disc golfers (including Innova pro Hannah Leatherman, the 2015 U.S. women’s champion) installed a 9-hole disc golf course in Macha, a […]

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2018 Innova Disc Golf Guide

When you’re unprepared, it can be a tough day on the course—every disc golfer experiences rounds like these (trust us, we have too). No worries. The 2018 Innova Disc Golf Guide is here outline essential disc golf shots paired with the best discs to get you to the target.

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Winter Disc Golf Guide

Winter play helps competitive and casual disc golfers alike rediscover the fun factor. Chilly temperatures, wind, snow—none of these elements promotes top performance, so winter rounds become less about setting records and more about simply enjoying the game. In inclement weather, when everyone else is warming their toes by the fire, you’re a champ just for stepping onto the course and reaching into your bag.

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2018 Innova Calendar Contest Winners

Thank you to all the photographers that submitted photos to the 2018 INNOVA Calendar contest. We reviewed hundreds of photo submissions from around the world and the final photos have been selected. The winner of the drawing for the DISCatcher Sport Ta…

2018 Calendar Contest

Call for Entries: 2018 Innova Calendar Contest
Picturesque sunrise DISCatchers, Innova team members in action, scenic course photos, or any compelling disc golf image… we’re seeking the best photographs and original artwork to be featured in our 2018…

The Best Discs for Throwing Forehand

Forehand isn’t every golfer’s favorite shot. But you can’t avoid it forever, because some situations simply demand a forehand throw. And in many cases it’s the easier shot—once you’ve mastered the basics. So regardless of whether forehand is a small pa…

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