Mustalle hevoselle vielä paikka auki lauantain pituusheittonäytöksessä USDGC 2015 yhteydessä Juhon ja kolmen muun erikoismiehen rinnalla. Neljä parasta karsinnasta siis
Juhon ensimmäinen kierros alkaa 9.12 paikallista aikaa, eli 16.12 Suomen aikaa. Laitetaas samalla pystyyn melko kova USDGC 2015 tuloskisa… Aina
USDGC 2015 lävähtää käyntiin tällä viikolla, team Powergrip:ä tänä vuonna kisassa edustaa Suomen kovin Juho Parviainen – stay tuned! Luvassa
Are you ready for the USDGC?
The post USDGC media coverage to reach new levels with Jussi Meresmaa, ATDG, SmashBoxxTV, and more appeared first on All Things Disc Golf.
Last weekend was the last big weekend of the year for PDGA sanctioned events. The main headline of course was the 2014 US Disc Golf Championship, held once again on Winthrop Gold course in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The USDGC is a rare tournament for Discmania, as it’s one of the very few events our […]
The Discmania Deep in the Game US Tour is back in full swing as it was a very successful journey to Europe again this time around with over 25+ clinics throughout Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Iceland! On this US Tour we decided to voyage throughout the Northern States including the Midwest, Canada, […]