Riley’s Teebox: Why I Wanted to Write for Innova

Innova from Day One 

When I first discovered disc golf over ten years ago at Cranbury Park in Norwalk, CT, everyone around me threw Innova. The brand wasn’t just popular; it was part of the local culture. As I got more invested and found professional coverage on Youtube, I saw that the same discs in my bag were the discs my favorite pros threw. Realistically, I knew I couldn’t make it as a pro, but the more I played, the more I wanted disc golf to be a central part of my life. The impact Innova had in that journey is undeniable. 

I have loved writing since long before I knew disc golf existed. I have short stories saved from the 1st grade and earlier (luckily I have gotten better since then). In college and the first few years after, I pursued journalism as a career, but always remained enthusiastic about creative writing. To this day, short stories and children’s books are my favorite forms of expression. Naturally, over time, my love for disc golf found its way into that creative space. 

A little over two years ago, I applied for the position of Creative Copywriter at Innova. I saw an opportunity to combine two of my passions and a way to use my ability as a writer to grow the sport. This new series, “Riley’s Teebox,” is a platform for me to write in my own voice on topics that interest me. Expect everything from my takes on recent disc golf news, to anecdotes from the course, quick tips, Innova behind the scenes content, and whatever else pops up along the way. They may be brief, two-sentence thoughts or full essays. See you on the tee!

-Riley O’Neill

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