We’re very excited to introduce you to the newest Team Discmania members! These two young Finns Anna-Sofia Haipus and a gem found at our Combine event, Tuomas Hyytiäinen, impressed us this season with their incredible feats. We’re sure that both of them are destined for more great accomplishments! Without further ado here are the newest players who’ll adorn the Team Discmania shirts.
Anna-Sofia is a young lady just shy of 18 years who found disc golf only a couple years ago. 2017 was only her second competitive season but she already finished 3rd in the Finnish Championships! However, that’s no wonder considering her background in sports: “My whole life has been full of all kind of sports and I really love to challenge myself. I fell in love with this awesome sport accidentally in 2015 when I had injured my knee. I couldn’t play football or volleyball for months so I had to find some other sports during that time. So I decided to try something totally different, disc golf! And as you can guess, I became addicted immediately.”
“Ansku” finished 3rd at the Finnish Championships in August. Photo: Timo Ahopelto.
“There is something special in disc golf that fascinates me. It is the spirit of the game, which is just amazing. I have played so many different sports and I can’t compare disc golf with anything else. I am so happy that I found disc golf. This sport has given me unforgettable experiences and I’m sure more is coming.” We at the Team Discmania can attest to that!
Tuomas has just turned 18 years old and has been playing disc golf since 2013. Like many others, he was immediately hooked and attended his first competition after playing disc golf for only one month. Tuomas found his way to Team Discmania through a Discmania Combine held at Nokia just a few days before the European Open 2017. He really made a lasting impression on all of the Combine coaches by handling a multitude of challenges presented to him. He outgunned all other candidates at the distance checkpoint and even qualified for the European Open distance showcase at the radar station! His affection to big throws is apparent and it certainly shows.
Tuomas was one of the five throwers at the European Open 2017 distance showcase. Photo: Eino Ansio.
Here’s what our Discmania Combine head coach Avery Jenkins had to say about Tuomas: “Tuomas Hyytiäinen is a phenomenal talent with incredible distance and the mindset of a professional. I was obviously impressed with his throwing skills but even more ecstatic with his personality as an individual and his overall commitment level to being the best that he can be. I’m very excited that the Discmania Combine was able to source and produce the next great top level European Player!”
Welcome to Team Discmania Anna-Sofia and Tuomas!
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